Intel changing style towards Apple’s style?

November 16, 2005

Intel has done some pretty different things to their logos and style. When the Entertainment in Your Lap promotion came, Adam Christianson from the MacCast mentioned how the commercials had an Apple style to it. He also noticed how Tony Hawk and Seal were in the promotion, and Adam knew that both of these were […]

Manage and controll your Mac over the network

November 16, 2005

I am a proud subscriber to the ScreenCastsOnline podcast, and one of the recent ones was a tutorial on how to control your Mac over the network, while using your own mouse, keyboard, and screen to control. The application needed for this operation is Chicken of the VNC, and it is a great and simple […]

A fix for the 1.8GHZ PowerMacs (Late 2004)

November 16, 2005

TUAW reports that the long awaited firmware update for the 1.8GHZ PowerMacs has finally been available via software update. So, it might be your lucky day if you own one of these systems. I think Apple should get more on top of stuff like this, but thank goodness that Apple did eventually fix the problem.

Erase and Install Mac OS X

November 15, 2005

Well, if you are wondering where I have been lately, I have a good excuse. My system has had a lot of trouble lately, and has been crashing due to an excessive amount of freeware applications. OOPS! So, yesterday I backed up my photos, music, videos, and some applications to my iPod, and today I […]

Version Tracker Widget

November 11, 2005

A really nice widget from the one and only Version Tracker that shows the newest downloads available from Version Tracker. This widget can help you find some great software available for your Mac, without even opening a browser. The widget can be downloaded from Version Tracker. See Version Tracker Widget Screenshot

Apple heading for the future of the internet – TV

November 10, 2005

Apple has taken the music download and playing market, so what’s next? VIDEO. Microsoft just sat and watched Apple totally succeed and dominate in the music downloading market, and they don’t want it to happen again. But is Apple already planning for as big of a bang as they have had with music? I think […]

A “nano” solution for Nano scratches

November 10, 2005

Today, TUAW reports that Apple has started placing some iPod sleeves in iPod nano boxes. So, finally Apple is trying to fix the old “nano” scratching problem. The sleeves are just like the sleeves that come with the iPod 5G. What took so long Apple?

Apple and the OS war

November 9, 2005

TUAW has posted a great article, written by Damien Barrett, about speculation that Apple is preparing to steal major market share in the OS industry. The article is very well-written, and is very interesting. The article, Apple Gearing up for OS War?, talks about how once the MacIntels come in 2006, users will be able […]

Mac OS X Tip of the Week

November 9, 2005

Apple has finally started doing their “Mac OS X Tip of the Week” again, since the release of Tiger. Apple makes their own “Tiger Tip of the Week”, but they sound the same, but are very different. The Mac OS X Tip of the Week is a tip selected from the book “Mac OS X […]

November 8, 2005 is a Web site that offers a place for Canadian Mac users to buy and sell used Apple and related products. It is a free service, and is categorized by product type, popularity on the site, and ratings. Users can sign up for a free account to post ads. UsedMac is celebrating their 1st […]

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