Another ABC Show – Commander in Chief

December 20, 2005

Apple seems to have just added a new show, Commander in Chief, to the iTunes Music Store. Commander in Chief is a fairly new show on its first season on ABC. I think we are finally starting to get some good video content on iTunes, now that we have some more variety. But, I still […]

Writely – A Web 2.0 word processor

December 19, 2005

Today’s TWiT mentioned a great new site, Writely, which is a new word processor “web 2.0” site. It features many great tools, including blogging, sharing, and saving and uploading in .doc format. The user interface truly is amazing and simple. Writely does not support the Safari browser, just use Firefox, and you’ll be fine. The […]

Goodbye Internet Explorer for Mac!

December 19, 2005

Microsoft has finally told the public that they will cease to issue downloads of Internet Explorer 5 for Mac on January 31, 2005. Microsoft also mentioned that they will end support for the browser on December 31, 2005. Additionally, as of January 31st, 2006, Internet Explorer for the Mac will no longer be available for […]

Apple short of iPods for holiday season

December 18, 2005

Yesterday, I took a visit to my local Apple store, surprised by how crowded it was in there, it seemed to be the most crowded store in the entire mall. Anyway, I saw the new “iPod Express Line” in person, pretty much amazed by it. I actually used the iPod Express to buy 2 iTunes […]

Go Go Redball!

December 16, 2005

I just a found the greatest widget on the Apple Dashboard directory. It’s called Go Go Redball!. This widget acts as a rubber bouncy ball, where you can throw it and bounce it across the screen. It is very, very realistic, and a lot of fun.

Apple 2005 Timeline

December 16, 2005

Here is an interesting timeline that shows all of the important releases and announcements Apple has made in 2005. It really is amazing how much Apple has innovated and produced this year!

Getting Album Art for your iTunes songs

December 15, 2005

A problem with some of us, is that we don’t buy all of our songs from the iTMS, and maybe we had music before the iTMS. I like the album art feature in iTunes, where it will display the album art in the visualizer, the window, and an iPod. But, I need to find a […]

HBO CEO interested in selling shows via iTMS

December 15, 2005

AppleInsider reports that HBO could possibly partner with Apple to sell hit shows on the iTunes Music Store. Chris Albrecht, chief executive of HBO, makes it pretty clear that HBO is very interested in partnering with Apple, and he sees potential in selling video content via iTMS.


December 14, 2005

I wrote an article a long way back (as far back as The Macintosh Blog days), about how to backup to your iPod. I have been using that method for a while, until today when I discovered a great freeware application that can do it for you. iBackup is a great way to backup your […]

iChat Extender

December 14, 2005

One disadvantage to iChat, is the lack of customizing it to your style. Adium X is one solution to make an IM app with customizable stuff, but if you love iChat I would suggest this utility. iChat Extender allows you to change the color of the group bars and lets you change the “thought bubbles”. […]

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