Leopard VS. Vista – Part One

December 30, 2005

Leopard VS. Vista – Part One is the first article of the “Leopard VS. Vista” series:Leopard VS. Vista – Part OneLeopard VS. Vista – Part Two – The Heat is OnLeopard VS. Vista – Part Three – Secrets an Photocopiers The Microsoft community is all hyped up for Microsoft’s next operating system, Windows Vista. Microsoft’s […]

Seashore – A freeware Paint and imaging app alternative for Mac

December 29, 2005

Seashore is a great utility that I’ve been wanting for a long time. Seashore is a basic imaging app, with a few professional features. When first using Seashore, it seemed to be more of a “Paint” for Mac. But after using it for a while, I started to discover its full potential. Seashore has layers, […]

Apple going to market differently with Intel Inside?

December 28, 2005

Apple is known for their great iPod commercials, and those commercials and ads are crucial to the iPod’s popularity. Is it just me, or are there no Macintosh commercials or advertisements? Yes, there have been many famous ads in the past, but I have never seen an ad of a Mac Mini or an iBook. […]

What’s next for Appleology

December 27, 2005

You are probably going to start seeing some changes take place around Appleology, soon. Appleology is going to be less focused on news and more on reviews, tips, opinions, and rumors. If you are looking for a Mac news site, I would recommend other sites such as World of Apple, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, and […]

iBeam – Laser Pointer and Flashlight for your iPod

December 26, 2005

I thought that since yesterday was Christmas, I would give you all a review of one of my new gadgets. The iBeam is a set of a flashlight and a laser pointer that fits on the remote/headphone connector, but the iBeam doesn’t work with the nano. I thought the iBeam was a great gift and […]

Wrapping up the rumors for Macworld 2006

December 23, 2005

Macworld is coming up soon, only a couple weeks away. So, here’s a pretty big list of all the rumors that have been going around the net for the past few weeks. Enjoy! iLife ’06 Probability – There have not been very many rumors for iLife ’06, except for the possibility that Front Row could […]

Lyric troubles

December 22, 2005

I was just doing a great review for the SingPod widget, when I discovered that you can’t even download the widget! So I start investigating, and I go to the SingPod site, and they say that they have suspended downloads of SingPod. SingPod distribution is momentarily suspended. SingPod allows people to obtain lyrics from the […]

Mac mini. Big ideas.

December 22, 2005

Apple has made a new page on the Mac mini site, where it shows cool things you can do with your Mac mini. The page is titled “Mac mini. Big Ideas.” Most of them we have already heard about, the Millenium Falcon Mac mini, Team Banzai, the Mac mini robot, and more. Check out the […]


December 22, 2005

DockSwitch is an awesome Menu Bar utility that allows users to create and switch docks. You can customize each dock to your liking, and you can switch the docks to each customization. The DockSwitch comes with other great features, including ability to change the Menu Bar, and ability to restore the dock settings back to […]

Details on the Yonah processor at Macworld

December 21, 2005

AppleInsider has a great article concerning the new “Yonah” processor and the Intel processors at Macworld. The new Yonah processors will be unveiled by Intel at the Consumer Electronic Show on January 5, 2006. It seems very obvious that Apple will use the Yonah, because January 5th is only 5 days before Steve’s Keynote on […]

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