High Priority – Create and view iCal To Dos in the menu bar

February 4, 2006

High Priority is a very cool menu bar item, that lists out your To Dos. High Priority can also configure and make new To Dos without even opening iCal. This is a very simple menu bar item that gives users a lot of control and ability to harness the power of iCal without opening iCal. […]

BM Safari Tabs script – Save all open tabs in Bookmarks

February 3, 2006

As requested, I found a script that can save all of your open tabs in a bookmarks folder. This script, BM Safari Tabs script, selects all open tabs in the frontmost Safari window, saves a file in your Home folder, then requires you to select that file, and now you have all of the tabs […]

SafariStand – Add necessary functions and features to Safari, now Universal

February 3, 2006

SafariStand adds very cool features to Safari; such as a sidebar that shows a preview of open tabs, a seperate window that displays bookmarks and RSS feeds with a way to search through the history and RSS feeds, a “Quick Search” feature in the contextual menu. SafariStand also gives you options to perform “hacks” and […]

MacBreak – A new vidcast hosted by Leo Laporte and crew all about Macs

January 31, 2006

MacBreak, a new podcast hosted by Leo Laporte, Amber MacArthur, Emery Wells, and Alex Lindsay all about Mac, has been released. The MacBreak show has been given many “5 Stars” on iTunes, and everyone has accepted the new show and are very happy to see a new tech show since TechTV broke up. And the […]

Appleology is calling for new writers

January 31, 2006

You’ve probably seen this message going around many Mac sites lately, and Appleology has decided to follow the crowd and let everyone know that we are also accepting applications for new writers. Appleology has grown a lot these past few months, expanding our audience all over the globe, and since Macworld 2006 our returning visitors […]

How to zoom in and out inside Mac OS X

January 30, 2006

I have used this great feature inside Mac OS X for a while, and it has to be another one of my favorites. To setup your system to zoom in and out, just go to system preferences, go to Universal Access, and turn Zoom “On”. Now, hold down (option + command + =) to zoom […]

Dashboard KickStart – Eliminate the wait for Dashboard widgets to load

January 29, 2006

Dashboard KickStart fixes a major problem with the pause between you actually activate the Dashboard and the time the widgets become useful. Dashboard KickStart works by opening up the Dashboard at system login, so that when you launch the Dashboard, your widgets will already be loaded and fully useful. Setting up Dashboard KickStart couldn’t be […]

The Mac Tablet and other patent discoveries

January 28, 2006

The idea keeps growing and growing. Ever since Apple released Panther with Inkwell, speculators have been waiting for a tablet computer from Apple to be announced. Now, two patents are feeding the fire that a Macintosh Tablet is really in the works. One patent is concerning a technology of motion sensing. This patent is truly […]

Nothing like the smell of fresh Apples

January 28, 2006

I have this theory of mine, that Apple has a way of psychologically attracting us to Apple products with a special fragrance. I remember my first iBook, and I also remember the distinct sent it gave off for the first couple of weeks. This Apple scent is located in Apple Stores, inside every Mac computer, […]

Desktopple 1.1 – Hide your desktop. Instantly.

January 27, 2006

FoggyNoggin Software has recently developed another great menu bar item that I have been waiting for a long time. With this new menu bar item, you can switch and toggle the desktop on and off. FoggyNoggin Software released version 1.0 about a week ago. I checked it out, and was pretty disappointed that it didn’t […]

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