Press ‘Option’ + ‘Delete’ to delete last word

February 17, 2006

I have just discovered that when you hold down the ‘Option’ key and the ‘Delete’ key, it completely erases that last word. It can be very useful when writing in a word processor, blogging, and basically everywhere else in Mac OS X. I don’t know wether this is a really basic tip, but I just […]

Grab from Preview in Tiger

February 5, 2006

Grab is a very popular application used to take screenshots, and includes very cool settings like “Timed Screen”. But it seemed awkward to have to go all the way through the utilities to find Grab, and another downside is that you could see Grab icon in the dock in your screenshot. Now, you can take […]

How to zoom in and out inside Mac OS X

January 30, 2006

I have used this great feature inside Mac OS X for a while, and it has to be another one of my favorites. To setup your system to zoom in and out, just go to system preferences, go to Universal Access, and turn Zoom “On”. Now, hold down (option + command + =) to zoom […]

Navigate through the dock, menu bar, and open windows with your keyboard

January 22, 2006

Using the control key, and several different function keys (F2, F3, F4, F8), you can navigate through many key parts of Mac OS X with your keyboard alone. Holding down the control key with: the F2 key enables you to navigate with the left side of the menu bar. the F3 key enables you to […]

Simplify your desktop. Get rid of those icons.

January 16, 2006

Lately, I have been trying to improve the look of my desktop. One of the things I did was getting rid of those icons on the desktop. Since I do not use the “Macintosh HD” and “iPod” icons regularly, I have gotten rid of them to make my desktop appear more simple. And I got […]

Customize Finder toolbar attributes with one click

January 16, 2006

Here’s a short tips, but a very handy one as well. In the Finder, just hold down the command key and click on the white button in the top-right corner of the window. In doing so, you can cycle through all of the variations of the toolbar size and also toggle the icons and text […]

Tips to perform tasks using the Mighty Mouse’s scroll-ball

January 11, 2006

Apple has made it possible for Mighty Mouse owners to use the scroll-ball to perform many tasks in certain applications. Some of these tips also work with other mice from 3rd party companies. There is a lot of mouse’s out there for you to choose the best one for you, this expensive gaming mouse will […]

A Handy Tip for Serious iChatters

January 7, 2006

For those of you that are constantly IMing, an alternative to using abbreviations is to actually let iChat type the whole word for you. With Tiger’s built-in dictionary, in iChat you can start typing a word and hit the “Escape” key. Then, iChat will display a list of possible words to use. Tiger’s buillt in […]

Tips for Mac OS X Speech Recognition

January 1, 2006

One of the first things I discovered when I switched to Mac was the ability to control the computer with your voice. I am usually a keyboard shortcut guy, but lately I’ve started to use Speech to control my Mac. If you have never tried Speech before, you should give it a try. In the […]

Switching applications in Exposé

December 10, 2005

Apple published a new “Tip of the Week”, describing how to switch from app to app in Exposé. I can’t believe I’ve never done this before, this will sure come in handy. Apple describes how to do this: Once you have Exposé invoked (you pressed either F9 or F10), you can toggle through your open […]

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