Leopard VS. Vista – Part One

December 30, 2005

Leopard VS. Vista – Part One is the first article of the “Leopard VS. Vista” series:Leopard VS. Vista – Part OneLeopard VS. Vista – Part Two – The Heat is OnLeopard VS. Vista – Part Three – Secrets an Photocopiers The Microsoft community is all hyped up for Microsoft’s next operating system, Windows Vista. Microsoft’s […]

Apple going to market differently with Intel Inside?

December 28, 2005

Apple is known for their great iPod commercials, and those commercials and ads are crucial to the iPod’s popularity. Is it just me, or are there no Macintosh commercials or advertisements? Yes, there have been many famous ads in the past, but I have never seen an ad of a Mac Mini or an iBook. […]

Wrapping up the rumors for Macworld 2006

December 23, 2005

Macworld is coming up soon, only a couple weeks away. So, here’s a pretty big list of all the rumors that have been going around the net for the past few weeks. Enjoy! iLife ’06 Probability – There have not been very many rumors for iLife ’06, except for the possibility that Front Row could […]

Apple short of iPods for holiday season

December 18, 2005

Yesterday, I took a visit to my local Apple store, surprised by how crowded it was in there, it seemed to be the most crowded store in the entire mall. Anyway, I saw the new “iPod Express Line” in person, pretty much amazed by it. I actually used the iPod Express to buy 2 iTunes […]

HBO CEO interested in selling shows via iTMS

December 15, 2005

AppleInsider reports that HBO could possibly partner with Apple to sell hit shows on the iTunes Music Store. Chris Albrecht, chief executive of HBO, makes it pretty clear that HBO is very interested in partnering with Apple, and he sees potential in selling video content via iTMS.

iWork ’06

December 13, 2005

iWork, which is a bundle of applications that was initially released last year, needs serious improvement in my point of view. I tested out iWork with the iWork Trial disc that came with Tiger, and I was really disappointed. I was expecting it to be like a replacement for Microsoft Office, but it was totally […]

A Mightier Mighty Mouse at Macworld?

December 13, 2005

The current Mighty Mouse seems to be a popular and good product, but there have also been complaints and issues with them, and I’m predicting that we will see a new and improved Mighty Mouse at Macworld. My Mighty Mouse has been a great product, and is definitely found useful when editing graphics. If you […]

More shows to come soon

December 8, 2005

So, a day after the NBC deal, rumors and more information are already here about more shows. The Apple+NBC promo video tells some important information that iTunes will sell “the best” of Bravo and SNL shows soon. Maybe Macworld? So, I guess we can expect to see the Bravo and SNL shows at Macworld, but […]

Macworld to bring new video content?

December 5, 2005

Many rumors have been going around concerning possible new video content available for the iTMS from broadcasters such as NBC, FOX, and ESPN. Many speculate that MacWorld will be when Apple announces the new content. Many want to purchase a new fifth-generation iPod, but want to be able to fill it with video content. Currently, […]

MacWorld 2006 Possibilities – Mega Mac Mini

November 29, 2005

A new edition to the MacWorld rumors, the Mac Mini. ThinkSecret has beliefs that a revamped Mac Mini will also be featured in the next MacWorld, with Front Row with TV/DVR features. The Mac Mini is to have the new Intel processors, and have a built-in iPod dock. I think it would be really cool […]

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