Mac Minis no longer can be purchased in bulk orders

February 22, 2006

A writer for the FreeMacBlog has found out that Apple is not allowing people to order Mac Minis in large quantities. He works for a company who was planning to purchase a lot of Mac Minis, and Apple responded saying that “We’re not able to take large orders for Mac minis right now.â€? These are […]

Apple resurrecting the Cube? Don’t count on it.

February 22, 2006

Rumors are spreading that Apple might be bringing the Cube from the dead because of a tip that someone sent to The tipster attached a photo of a gray cube with a very strange Apple logo on the top. The photo, itself, is very questionable, and the message that the tipster sent is also […]

The PowerBook begins to fade-out of the Apple product line

February 22, 2006

Today, Apple has dropped the 15″ PowerBook G4 out of its product line, leaving only the 12″ and 17″ PowerBooks in its PowerBook family. The 15″ PowerBook was expected to be the first to disappear, and some were notified that the 15″ PowerBook G4 was going to be dropped about a week ago. A listener […]

The MacBook Pro dissected and compared to TI PowerBook

February 22, 2006

There has been a lot of news about the MacBook Pro recently, since many are starting to receive them and play around with them. Many people are asking how fast it boots, and others want to know what it looks like inside. So, thanks to, we now know what the MacBook Pro looks like […]

New Special Event…7 days!

February 21, 2006

Apple is hosting a new special event on February 28. We all remember the disappointment at Macworld, right? So, hopefully, the “fun new products” that Apple is promising would be the much-talked-about iPod Boombox, as well as an upgraded Intel Mac Mini. Perhaps, even before April 1 (the date of Apple’s 30th anniversary), we might […]

Opening the MacBook Pro

February 18, 2006

It seems as if people who pre-ordered their MacBook Pros are starting to receive their MacBook Pros. Some pictures are floating around Flickr today that show the box that the MacBook Pro ships in, and also show the box and all of the contents inside. Update! The team that received the MacBook Pro actually got […]

After updating to 10.4.5, my Mac is fast!

February 16, 2006

Apple has definitely been working on making Tiger run faster, because 10.4.5 made my Mac incredibly fast. Both my iMac and my iBook are now as fast as they were when they were running Panther! I’m apparently not the only one experiencing this fantastic experience, even Adam Christianson from the MacCast has found that 10.4.5 […]

Is Apple really shipping the MacBook Pros this week?

February 15, 2006

I’d like to know the truth. I feel very confused, and everyone is telling different stories and opinions. Is Apple really shipping this week or is it just a lie to bring positive news. AppleInsider claims that MacBook Pros are in-stock in stores, but I just called my local Apple Store, and they gave me […]

Apple Begins Shipping MacBook Pro

February 14, 2006

Along with the processor upgrades, Apple has announced that it is ready to ship the 15″ MacBook Pros this week. “We are incredibly excited to start shipping the MacBook Pro, a groundbreaking new notebook with dual-processor desktop performance in a thin, sleek design,â€? said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. “The […]

Apple increases available speed of new MacBook Pros

February 14, 2006

Apple has just made some small changes to the Online Apple Store to change the maximum speed of the MacBook Pros, which are not going to be shipping for a few weeks. You can now get a MacBook Pro with a 2.16 GHZ dual-core processor, if you are willing to spend an extra $300. This […]

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